Sunday, August 9, 2009

Manner vs Dignity

Have you ever wonder what will make you mad the most???? For me will be NO MANNER!!! I've always wanted to blog about this topic long long time ago...but...due to assignmentsss and all the patients that I've given to those people, I choose not to blog about it first...but I really wonder, why there is such people wondering around the world?? They are being disgracefull to what their parents have taught them...

People will only blame your parents if you acted bad or impolite in the public. Whereas, maybe it's your own problem after all. It's not what your parents have previously taught you. You have adopted it wrongly. Manners for me is a very very important things that everyone, no matter how old you are have to practice...

If you are asking a favour from would you ask? "Can u help me with bla bla bla...?" this is people with manners will ask and those who are no manners will demand like this, "Great, now u can do bla bla bla for me". What do you think of?? Are we owing you something that we have to serve you back or you think that you are too great that everyone are too willing to serve you without you having to ask? Damn this people....

Then, what about dignity? Yup..I do agree that certain amount of dignity is good to protect and gain confident for ourselves. However, too much of it= annoying and arrogant. If you do something wrong, then just admit it and say,'SORRY!'. That's it!! Just a simple word can solve everything...maybe not everything but at least you apologize over the mistakes that you've made...but not everyone willing to spit that word out...especially those people with high it that hard for you??!!! I really don't understand!!

When people are telling you something, either you listen or you just stay away. Don't act as if you are Mr/Miss Know-it-all...then, if you get the wrong info and people there are just good enough to inform you, don't tell them off with your stupid+nonsense so-called theory..all those are just craps and we did not say anything not because you are too great with 'your theory' but we choose to ignore you with all your stupid and brainless craps...

So, you think that manner is more important or the dignity that you need to stand strong without bothering all the manners that have been taught by your parents and being rude to the people around you??

This post is mainly base on my own opinion only...different people may have different perspective towards certain things...


Anonymous said...

what you said it's true..totally agree :)

sHaLYn said...

ya...and these kind of people really exist in this world...and a huge amoung of them too...

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